Sky Creative Studios
THE ASHES TEST 2023: Title Sequence Animatic.
The Brief:
As with all our title sequences the concept needs to be able to frame the best stand out moments from this event, with an all-inclusive approach that will appeal not just to the casual fan but also the most ardent supporter of the game.
It doesn’t have to be history driven but whatever your chosen route is, it does need a clear narrative/thread. It needs to represent the characteristics of the sport and stir the emotions of this famous event.

Objectives & Roles:
This was a team collaboration between the Motion Design students from the NFTS and Design department at Sky Creative.
Our objective was to create an animatic that really captures the stand out moments from the Ashes test series, and also depict the rivalry and drama between the two teams; England and Australia. My role began with research, concept designs and populating a storyboard. This was then followed by correlating and coordinating all design frames into an animatic sequence, within After Effects. I also added some light animation and blended ember video clips, all edited into a sequence. Accompanied by a reworked soundtrack from SATV.

Design Lead: Danny Yeomans
Producer: Carrie Jones
Supervising Motion Designer: Emma Knudsen
Coordinator: Liv Hayman
Designer: Liv Hayman & Louis Walters
Animator: Harry Tulloch & Claire Thompson
Sound Designer: Tatjana Radivoj

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