National Film & Television School: Television Student's Grad Show
The Brief:
TV Grad Project Deliverables
Titles 30 / 40 secs October finish
Show Logo
1x Bumper/Sting 5 secs
2x Transitions 2 secs – light / overexposed transitions
1x Menu Recipe 8/9 secs
Lower Thirds 6 secs
Background Archive Footage
Lower Thirds for link to recipe 7 secs
Butcher Van screen wipe
Theme & mood - not to fast not to slow, calm, relaxing but keep you awake, fresh music, upbeat music, but not to fast: examples of theme intros:
Documentary style – Introduction of show with VO of presenter- 30/40sec
B-roll of cooking, cutting, flipping, wide, MS, close up, extreme close ups, movement in each shot, from fast to slow motion.
Director: Anastasia Adruzova
Producer: Shu Wang
Motion Graphic Designer: Claire Thompson